Thursday, 22 March 2012

Club Penguin Times #335

These are the thing you should not miss at the party!
-Throw pies at the Beacon
-Pick up a free Polka Dot Puffle Hat at the Town, Plaza or Puffle Show
-Pick up free Puffle Hats at the Ski Lodge
-Pick up the free First Prize background at the Puffle Show
-Pick up the free Gigantic St. Patrick's Hat at the Mine Shack
-Buy Puffle Costumes from the catalog at the Ski Lodge
-Walk your puffle to it's special puffle themed room
-Track down the Puffle Handler
-Transform into a Puffle
-Play in the Puffle Spa
-Check out the Puffle Dance Party on the Night Club roof
-Visit all the decorated rooms

PH is working at the Pet Shop everyday to train puffles. She round them up, teach them how to bowl and skate and lasso. She once had a little herd of puffles herself. But those puffles bacame to well-trained, they were accepted into the EPF
Remember to bring your purple puffle when playing Dance Contest to gain extra points! Which also  means more coins!!
Rookie will be here around this year's April Fool's party! We will be able to earn his stamp, background and add him to our buddylist! Rookie will be exploring the Box Dimension once again to find out where the orange puffle originally came from. The April Fool's Day Party starts when Rookie enters the Box Dimension on March 29!

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